List of Useful Websites


Please note that the links below should not be considered as endorsement or agreement with every teaching or doctrine presented on these websites. Nevertheless they are regarded as generally reliable sources of good Biblical teaching and therefore provide a good starting point for researching the scriptures. We would urge the application of Acts 17:11 in all cases !!!

Answers In Genesis:

An apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. They focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible, particularly the book of Genesis, regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth. Resources are readily available from their UK branch

Got Questions:

This is an excellent first website to go to when you have difficult questions to answer about the Bible.

Enduring Word:

This website has a very accessible commentary on the entire Bible and a is a very useful tool for Bible study.  It is clearly written with further comments from many other Bible scholars.

(Go to the top of the page and click on ‘commentary’)

Bible Gateway:

This website enables you to look up any Bible word, passage, phrase or reference in virtually every English translation.  Very useful!

Bible Hub:

This is a more advanced Bible study guide and contains commentaries from many different authors.  It also includes Strong’s on concordance and much more.

Answers In Genesis:

Grace to You:

This is John MacArthur’s website containing many of his excellent sermons in audio and video. Just be aware that we do differ from John regarding the doctrines of Calvinism but agree on the vast majority of his other teachings.

Spirit and Truth:

There are many good sermons and theological teaching on this website.  The organisation is based in a Bible college in America called Veritas.

Sermon Audio:

This websight contains a huge number of sermons by many different preachers, but you have to look quite hard to find the really good ones.  However, it has some really good sermons from A.W. Tozer.

Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry Inc:

Pro-Israel Christian ministry with many useful resources